What’s the best age in getting pregnant? Science says!
According to the results of the tests performed on 830 postmenopausal women, being pregnant after 35 not just have a positive impact on the child but also improves mother’s mental abilities. It says that children born at this age seem to have a better verbal memory and cognition.
Women with later age pregnancy found to have hormones that have a positive effect on the brain chemistry and function which is estrogen and progesterone.
Women with later age pregnancy found to have hormones that have a positive effect on the brain chemistry and function which is estrogen and progesterone.
Women who got pregnant at a later age have better life experiences that those who are young. They experience a lot of ups and down situations which are to their advantage. Getting pregnant is a stressful one and those who got pregnant at an older age can manage it well.
2 advantage of a later age pregnancy
1. Mental health – Women who got pregnant at a later age have a better mental health than those who are not yet settled on their career and get pregnant. Obviously, young women react to life challenges differently and have a hard time in raising their child compared to older women. Situations that comes to older women make them excited and calmness instead of worry and unease.
2. Change of hormones – Change of hormones to later age pregnant women who face lack of estrogen and progesterone has a positive effect. They are more organized and well-prepared on their decision-making than those younger women. Older women are more aware of the risk of getting pregnant that drives them to see a physician often. They have a wide understanding and knowledge before being involved than those younger women.
All things should be regarded and considered. Pregnancy is not a game. There are things that should be carefully taken into account. It is better to plan out and have a deep knowledge about pregnancy to avoid complications. See a doctor for a regular checkup to be well-guided.